class: center, middle # Crash Course in OCaml Modules Tim McGilchrist (@lambda_foo) .bottom[![lambda](/talks/lambda-jam-2015-ocaml-functors/lambda.png)] --- # What to expect? 1. What is OCaml? 2. Module Concepts 3. Comparison to Haskell 4. Code, Code and more Code .bottom[![lambda](/talks/lambda-jam-2015-ocaml-functors/lambda.png)] ??? * Things to expect from this talk. * OCaml functors ain't Haskell functors. * Hey man, where's my fmap. Such confuse, much wow. * introduce people to the OCaml module system * What OCaml functors are * What sorts of problems they let us solve. --- # Outcomes 1. Understand OCaml's module system 2. Appreciate difference between Modules and Type Classes 3. Perhaps write some OCaml, it's awesome! .bottom[![Right-aligned image](/talks/lambda-jam-2015-ocaml-functors/colour-logo.svg)] ??? The ML module system comes up in conversations around Haskell needing a module system, why building a Haskell module system is hard and just how do I relate ML Modules to things in other languages like Traits in Scala or Type Classes in Haskell. Rather than having a bunch of handwaving about modules can do this and type classes can do that, it'd be better if everyone had a basic understanding of what ML modules are. So the discussion can come from a place of knowledge Anecdote about why I chose to learn OCaml rather than Haskell. be a contrarian Lets dive into some terminology --- .bottom[![Right-aligned image](/talks/lambda-jam-2015-ocaml-functors/except-for-tim-comic.jpg)] --- # Terminology The key parts of OCaml's Module System are: * Structures * Signatures * Functors .right[![lambda](/talks/lambda-jam-2015-ocaml-functors/lambda.png)] ??? OCaml has 2 levels or languages; 1. language of functions and value. 2. language of modules and functors --- # OCaml type declarations * Types are in lowercase. * Type variables are written with a single quote `'a` * Type constructors are reversed ``` Haskell (Int, Int) -- Haskell int * int -- OCaml [Bool] -- Haskell bool list -- OCaml foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf type 'a tree = Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree | Leaf ``` ??? Explain the code examples. --- # Structures Structures provide units of organistion within OCaml ``` ocaml module IntSet = struct type t = int type set = t list let empty = [] let member i s = List.exists (fun x -> x = i) s let insert i s = if member i s then s else (i::s) end ``` ??? * Values in the module language * Structures group together declarations of data types and functions. In a similar way to what you'd be familar with in Haskell. * Introduce a structure using `struct` `end` keyword pair. * Implicit structure name from the file name. --- # Calling Structures Called via dot notation ``` ocaml IntSet.t IntSet.empty IntSet.member ``` ??? Pretty much as you'd expect coming from another language --- # Nested Structures ``` ocaml module IntSet = struct module Compare = struct type t = int let eql x y = x = y end end IntSet.Compare.eql 1 1 ``` Nested structures can be nested. ??? --- # Using Structures * `open` structure at top of the file * local open at the call site * use module alias ``` ocaml open IntSet Compare.eql 1 1 (* or *) IntSet.Compare.(eq 1 1) (* or *) let module S = IntSet.Compare in S.eql 1 1 ``` ??? * Using structures needs to more convenient that using the long form names especially if we want to use nested modules to organise our code. 1. Opening the module at the top of a file. Using `open` then the name of the module, everything that the module exports will be available in the opening module. This is convenient, no need to pre-pend anything with module names, the downside however is you pollute the namespace. Might not want to have everything in this namespace, eg name clashes. Good idea to keep it small. 2. Convenient option if you're only using the module in a few places within a file. Especially if you're using the same module repeatedly in a a statement. 3. Helpful to keep what the short name of a module is close to where it's being used. --- # Signatures Defines an interface for a structure. ``` ocaml module type Set = sig type 't set val empty : 't set val member : 't set -> 't -> bool val insert : 't set -> 't -> 't set option end ``` * List of declarations without any implementation ??? * List of declarations without any implementations * Definitions can be more abstract than structure * Introduced with `sig` `end` keywords * used to hide details. In this case we're not exporting the concrete type for set, making it abstract. * Typically, you'll have your `struct` in one file say `` and the signature defined in another file called `set.mli`. --- # Example ``` ocaml module type Monad = sig type t val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t val return : 'a -> 'a t val (>>=): 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t val (>>|): 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t end ``` ??? Lets introduce a signature for a Monad. --- # Functors * No Haskell functors here comrades. * Functions from `struct` to `struct` * aka Paramterised Structures .right[![Right-aligned image](/talks/lambda-jam-2015-ocaml-functors/smugpig.png)] ??? Functors in OCaml aren't like Haskell functors, they don't provide an fmap across a particular structure. Though they do perform a similar purpose, just it's at the module level. Think of functors as `functions` from `struct` to `struct`. Another way, to think of it is lifting functions into the module language Let's look at an example! --- # Example I ``` ocaml module type ORDERING = sig type t val compare : t -> t -> int end module type Set = sig type 't set val empty : 't set val member : 't set -> 't -> bool val insert : 't set -> 't -> 't set option end ``` ??? * Introduce this new signature called `ORDERING` * Repeat our Set signature from before --- # Example II ``` ocaml module MakeSet (O : ORDERING) = struct type t = O.t let empty = [] let rec member s x = match s with [] -> false | hd::tl -> match x hd with 0 -> true | 1 -> false | -1 -> member tl x let rec insert x s = ... end ``` ??? * How is the functor defined? * Use O in implementation of other functions. * MkSet is completely defined in terms of it's argument O * Functors can be defined over multiple modules, just tack another set of brackets after the first and before the equals --- # Using Functor ``` ocaml module IntOrdering = struct type t = int let compare = end module IntSet = MakeSet(IntOrdering) let a = IntSet.insert 1 IntSet.empty IntSet.member 1 a (* Using local opens *) let a = IntSet.(insert 1 empty) ``` ??? 1. Introduce an ordering for ints 2. Call functor using our Int ordering 3. make go now! --- # Review * Structures group together types and functions with implementations * Signatures interface for a structure * Functors are functions from `struct` to `struct` .right[![lambda](/talks/lambda-jam-2015-ocaml-functors/lambda.png)] ??? So let's take a moment to review what we've covered so far. If nothing else, I'd be great if you can take these defintions away with you. --- # Comparison to Type Classes * Type Classes provide adhoc polymorphism * Module system explicit configuration of program components and the use of data abstraction * Different purposes but significant overlap ??? Type classes focus on bringing implict program construction and adhoc polymorphism to Haskell. By implicit construction I mean in using type classes you don't need to say which instance of a type class to use. Haskell works that out for you. Providing some sort of guarantee that there is only 1 possible implementation (Though there are a snumber of ways around this if you're sufficiently devious) Modules on the other hand emphasise explicit configuration of program components and the use of data abstraction. Namely a means for decomposing large programs into smaller pieces. I'm probably oversimplifying the motivations on both sides, the point is they're not trying to solve the same problem. However there is some overlap in functionality. So lets see some code showing how to translate Haskell Type Classes into OCaml --- # Type Classes to Signatures Haskell ``` haskell class Show a where show :: a -> String ``` OCaml ``` ocaml module type SHOW = sig type t val show : t -> string end ``` ??? So type classes in Haskell become signatures in OCaml. Lets look at the show type class as a simple example, though this applies to any type class. --- # Instances to Structures Haskell ``` haskell instance Show Int where show = ... -- provided in ghc ``` OCaml ``` ocaml module ShowInt = struct type t = int let show = string_of_int end ``` ??? * Haskell you declare an instance of Show for your type. * OCaml we create a `struct` that has the right interface --- # Using Type Class Haskell ``` Haskell csv :: Show a => [a] -> String csv [] = "" csv [x] = show x csv h:t = show h ++ "," ++ csv t csv [1,2,3] => "1,2,3" ``` Functions that use type classes do not need to do anything special --- # Using Type Class Modules OCaml ``` ocaml module Csv(S:SHOW) = struct let rec to_csv : S.t list -> string = function [] -> "" | [x] -> x | h::t -> h ^ "," ^ to_csv t end module X = Csv(ShowInt) X.to_csv [1;2;3] => "1,2,3" ``` * Callers Get Wrapped In Functors * Manually instantiate the version of the function ??? --- # Verdict * Type Classes can be translated into Modules * Type Classes become Signatures * Instances become Structures * Callers Get Wrapped In Functors * Manually instantiate the version of the function * OCaml version is slightly more verbose * OCaml requires specifying the instance * Haskell finds the instance you want ??? * more verbose The OCaml code is more verbose that the corresponding Haskell code. Even if you use a less simplistic example where there isn't a built in implementation for the type class. For example using Aeson where you do need to create your own instance. * for non-trivial type classes, you'll need to define an instance * Having said that, modules aren't really built for ad-hoc polymorphism, so they don't fare too badly. * Very useful to translate Haskell code examples in papers into OCaml versions. * Verbosity due to passing around the instance of show for that type. * Haskell also tracks the mapping from type to implementation, it's just not exposed. --- # Module Extras A few things that aren't quite possible in Haskell: * Type safe extensions to existing modules * Parameterising library by architecture/platform/compiler * Library parameterised by their dependencies (Backpack) * Instantiate modules with state ??? * talk through each of these in turn. * type safe extension, 2 standard library replacements use this technique to extend the basic standard library. * Cohttp library uses this technique to parameterise over 3 different concurrency platforms, Lwt, Async and Javascript --- # Type Safe Extensions Using the `include` keyword we can extend an existing `struct` or signature. ``` ocaml module Listy = struct include List let intersperse t sep = match t with | [] | [_] -> t | x :: List.fold_right (fun y acc -> sep :: y :: acc) xs [] end module List = Listy include (module type of List) ``` ??? * Here include is bringing in contents of List into our Listy module * Then we're adding our own function `intersperse` * Export the module back out as List, effectively replacing List with our own version. * You can perform a similar thing with signatures, to bring in all the functions and types, then re-exporting them. * --- # Paramterising Library * `Cohttp` is a library for creating HTTP daemons. * Supports 4 different asynchronous libraries * LWT - Unix threads * Async - Unix threads * OS-independent used in Mirage unikernel * Javascript / XMLHTTPRequests * `Mirage` Unikernel * applications functorised across OS components * `Irmin`, a distributed database * distributed storage functorised across storage implmentations * `OCamlgraph`, a generic graph library for OCaml ??? * Heavy use of functors to divide abstract parts of http from plaform specific ones. * 4 different async backends * Applications in MirageOS are functorized across all the operating system components that they depend on. * In Haskell you're forced to resort to CPP to do this sort of thing. While CPP is comparitively portable, it's untyped, has a different syntax than Haskell and is just kind of gross. What are we savages??? --- # Mirage OS ``` ocaml module type DEVICE = sig type error end module type CONSOLE = sig type error = [ ‘Invalid_console of string ] include DEVICE with type error := error val log_s : t -> string -> unit io end module Main (C: V1_LWT.CONSOLE) = struct let start c = let rec print () = C.log_s c "hello" >>= fun () -> OS.Time.sleep 1.0 >>= fun () -> C.log_s c "world" >>= print in print () end ``` ??? * Explain code * taken from Mirage OS * Some places use mutiple arguments inside a functor * see Metaprogramming with ML modules in the MirageOS --- # Mirage OS II ``` ocaml module Main (C: V1_LWT.CONSOLE) (FS: V1_LWT.KV_RO) (TMPL: V1_LWT.KV_RO) (S: Cohttp_lwt.Server) = struct ... end ``` --- # Core Monad.make ``` ocaml module type Basic = sig type 'a t val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t val return : 'a -> 'a t end module type S = sig .... end module Make (M : Basic) : S with type 'a t := 'a M.t = struct let bind = M.bind let return = M.return let join t = t >>= fun t' -> t' let ignore t = map t ~f:(fun _ -> ()) ... end ``` --- # Modular Implicits Proposal to improve ad-hoc polymorphism in OCaml ``` ocaml module type Show = sig type t val show : t -> unit end let print (implicit S : Show) x = x implicit module Show_int = struct type t = int let show x = Printf.printf "Show_int: %i\n" x end print 3 ``` ??? * Extension to OCaml to provide better support for adhoc polymorphism. * Follows the ML discipline of maintaining explicit control over the namespace * Ambiguities in resolving an implicit module type resulting in a type error. * Taking inspiration from Scala’s implicits. # Work in progress --- # Records as Modules Haskell records-as-modules style ``` haskell data Index f = Index { record :: Descriptor -> f () , lookup :: LogKey -> EitherT IndexError f (Maybe Descriptor) } makeS3Index root = Index { record = record' root , lookup = lookup' root } record' :: Address -> Descriptor -> S3Action () record root d = ... ``` ??? * Define a record for accessing log files * Clunky, record selectors everywhere * Performance, double dispatch everywhere * No closure over the types involved in the record * Record names must be unique * Useful technique --- # Summary * OCaml modules are worth knowing about * Structures combine types and function implementations * Signatures combine types and function signatures * Functors are functions from `struct` to `struct` * Simple translation of Type Classes to Modules ??? * OCaml Modules provide features Haskell can't. --- class: center, middle # Thanks! Tim McGilchrist @lambda_foo Software Engineer @ Ambiata Thanks! --- #Further Reading * ML Modules and Haskell Type Classes: A Constructive Comparison. * Lightweight higher-kinded polymorphism * Metaprogramming with ML modules in the MirageOS * Designing a Generic Graph Library using ML Functors * 1ML unifying the type level and module level in ML * * *