Collecting Failed SSH Logins

It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on what’s happening on your servers, especially when they’re connected to a hostile environment like the Interweb. Following in this vein, I’m going to show how I configured my Solaris server to collect failed login attempts.

First, you’ll need a root shell and then open up the sshd configuration file:

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find the line containing ‘LogLevel’. On my machine it looked like

LogLevel    info

We need to change the info to debug, so it should look like this:

LogLevel    debug

Save that file and open up the one for syslog

vi /etc/syslog.conf

Go to the bottom of that file and add the following line:

auth.debug                      ifdef(`LOGHOST', /var/log/authlog, @loghost)

This should direct the sshd debug messages, which includes failed login attempts to a new logfile authlog under /var/log. One thing to be careful of is the spacing needs to be tabs not spaces otherwise it wont work.

Now we need to restart both services so they pickup the changes in configuration, then we’ll test that it all works.

Restart syslog:

svcadm restart svc:/system/system-log:default

and to restart sshd:

svcadm restart svc:/network/ssh:default

Just check that everything started correctly, if you type

svcs -x

you should see no errors, alternatively you could type it without the ‘-x’ which shows all the started services and the restarted ones will appear at the end of the list.

Now you can test it works by tailing the logfile /var/adm/authlog in one terminal and attempting to login via another. Hopefully now it all works and you see the failed login attempt in authlog. One option piece of configuration I’ve added is to rotate the authlog, this isn’t strictly necessary but it does clean things up a bit.

I decided on rotating the logs every month and keeping 4 months worth of logs apart from the current log.

logadm -w /var/log/authlog -C 4 -p 1m -t '$dirname/$basename-%m-%Y.log'

If you want to keep more logs, change the 4 to something more or less and the time period before rotating the logs is after the -p switch so you can change that to 6m for 6 months or 1w for 1 week. Have a look at the manpage for logadm for more details.

The only extra thing you might want to add is compression of the logfile after rotating, or processing the logfile to give you a summary of activity. I’ve been looking into the summary but haven’t found anything that fits my needs.

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