Lambdajam Talks

Earlier this year I spoke at Yow! LambdaJam about RAFT and Erlang. I thought I should link to my talk descriptions and slides here.

On the first morning of the conference I spoke about the RAFT distributed consensus algorithm and how it could be implemented in Erlang/OTP. The slides are here with the video to follow sometime later. I was very happy with how the talk went despite many pre-conference nerves and will surely be submitting something next year.

In the final workshop slot of the conference I presented an Erlang workshop on building a Webmachine system for shortening urls. The source code on github here.

Yow! LambdaJam is a great conference that brings together the functional programmers from across Australia. I personally had a great time and would encourage anyone who is interested in functional programming to come along next year. We had talks on Erlang, Haskell, Idris, Scala and Clojure. I’m hoping next year we see something on OCaml and F#.

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