Building OCaml from assembly

At work I’ve been focusing on improving the debugging experience with OCaml. As part of that I’ve discovered how some of the pieces fit together, that might be obvious in retrospect, but are interesting to at least me so I’m going to post details about them here.

The first nugget is you can hand compile an OCaml program into a final executable. What do I mean? You can ask the OCaml compiler to output all the assembly generated that goes into a library or executable. Then take that an call the assembler yourself to build it. First lets review how the compiler works.

Compilation Pipeline

Here is a grossly simplified overview of the OCaml compiler. We feed in OCaml source code in the form of ml/mli files, which flow through each stage and eventually end up being emitted as either object files or textual assembly files. The first step from OCaml Source to Parse Tree uses menhir to parse and generate an untyped AST representing the code in the source file. This is then type checked into a typed tree, this is where the type theory happens. After that, there are some stages where the typed tree is transformed into representations more suitable for generating assembly. The final stage traverses the CMM/Linear AST generating assembly code for a specific family of CPUs (like x86_64 or ARM64).

 ┌──────────────┐   ┌──────────────┐  
 │ OCaml Source │   │  Parse Tree  │  
 │              ┼───►              │  
 └──────────────┘   └──────┬───────┘  
 ┌──────────────┐   ┌──────▼───────┐  
 │    Lambda    │   │  Typed Tree  │  
 │              ◄───┼              │  
 └──────┬───────┘   └──────────────┘  
 ┌──────▼───────┐   ┌──────────────┐  
 │  CMM/Linear  │   │    Emit      │  
 │              ┼───►   Assembly   │  
 └──────────────┘   └──────────────┘  

Finally, this assembly is compiled by the system C compiler to produce object files or executables to be run. So we could treat the OCaml compiler as a fancy way to just generate assembly files, which we can then mess with to do things like add DWARF information or optimise assembly routines, or just for pure fun.

OCaml source

Starting with an OCaml program taken from Retrofitting Effect Handlers onto OCaml. This program doesn’t compute anything interesting but it does show how OCaml’s FFI to C works and how to pass control between the two. So it is interesting for what it does.

$ cat
external ocaml_to_c
         : unit -> int = "ocaml_to_c"
exception E1
exception E2
let c_to_ocaml () = raise E1
let _ = Callback.register
          "c_to_ocaml" c_to_ocaml
let omain () =
  try (* h1 *)
    try (* h2 *) ocaml_to_c ()
    with E2 -> 0
  with E1 -> 42
let _ = assert (omain () = 42)

$ cat meander_c.c
#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
#include <caml/callback.h>

value ocaml_to_c (value unit) {
                  ("c_to_ocaml"), Val_unit);
    return Val_int(0);

Reading from the bottom of the file, asserts that the function omain returns the value 42. It gets that value by calling ocaml_to_c which is actually an external C function defined in meander_c.c, imported into OCaml using external in the first line of The C function calls back into OCaml using caml_callback which executes the c_to_ocaml function. An exception is raised, unwinding everything back to omain with it’s try/with blocks.

To compile this program we use the OCaml 5.2 compiler.

$ ocamlopt --version
$ ocamlopt meander_c.c -o meander.exe
$ ./meander.exe
$ echo $?

Running the program under macOS gives a successful exit code, so it must have got 42 and the assertion passed. Try changing the value 42 to something else to check.

Next we will pull apart what the compiler is doing to generate the final executable. Run ocamlopt with these flags:

 $ ocamlopt meander_c.c -o meander.exe -S -g -dstartup -verbose

+ cc  -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -pthread  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -c -g -I'/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml' 'meander_c.c'
+ cc -c -Wno-trigraphs  -o 'meander.o' 'meander.s'
+ cc -c -Wno-trigraphs  -o '/var/folders/z_/7yzlrkjn6pd441zs1qhzpjv00000gn/T/camlstartup9b503b.o' 'meander.exe.startup.s'
+ cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread  -pthread   -o 'meander.exe'  '-L/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml'  '/var/folders/z_/7yzlrkjn6pd441zs1qhzpjv00000gn/T/camlstartup9b503b.o' '/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml/std_exit.o' 'meander.o' '/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml/stdlib.a' 'meander_c.o' '/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml/libasmrun.a'     -lpthread

Focusing on the ocamlopt command, the flag -S asks the compiler to generate the assembly files for the OCaml source, -g asks for debug information to be included, -dstartup generates the startup file that bridges between the C startup and OCaml (more on that later) and -verbose tells ocamlopt to print out what commands it’s running.

So, what has been printed out? The first line is compiling the meander_c.c file into an object file, the meander_c.o file in the current directory. Then we have a meander.s file being compiled (assembled) into another object file. This is the output of compiling the OCaml source into assembly. The --verbose option doesn’t show how that file gets created. The third line is compiling the startup file from meander.exe.startup.s into another object file. The final step is calling the linker via cc to generate the final meander.exe file. You can see all the object files from previous steps plus the OCaml stdlib _opam/lib/ocaml/stdlib.a and _opam/lib/ocaml/std_exit.o from the local opam switch plus the OCaml libraries being added to the search path as -L/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml. It is not that dissimilar to building a C program.

What about those assembly files? The meander.s is our ARM64 assembly file for open it up and search for entry. If you’re on Linux or another architecture like x86_64 the assembly will be different but the names will be the same. This is the entry point called when executing the program, the OCaml runtime jumps to the symbol _camlMeander.entry.

	.globl	_camlMeander.entry
	mov	x16, #34
	stp	x16, x30, [sp, #-16]!
	bl	_caml_call_realloc_stack
	ldp	x16, x30, [sp], #16
	ldr	x16, [x28, #40]
	add	x16, x16, #328
	cmp	sp, x16
	bcc	L114
	sub	sp, sp, #16
	.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	16
	.cfi_offset 30, -8
	str	x30, [sp, #8]

Search for other symbols like omain and c_to_ocaml

	.globl	_camlMeander.omain_278
	.loc	1	8
	sub	sp, sp, #16
	.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	16
	.cfi_offset 30, -8
	str	x30, [sp, #8]
	.file	1	""
	.loc	1	5
	sub	sp, sp, #16
	.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	16
	.cfi_offset 30, -8
	str	x30, [sp, #8]

All the code is there, we just need to assemble it. On my machine (macOS ARM64) running this command will give me an executable meander.exe without even using ocamlopt.

$ gcc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 \
      -c -g -I'/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml' 'meander_c.c'
$ gcc -c -Wno-trigraphs -o 'meander.o' 'meander.s'
$ gcc -c -Wno-trigraphs -o meanderCamlStartup.o meander.exe.startup.s
$ gcc -o 'meander.exe' '-L/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml' 'meanderCamlStartup.o' \
       '/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml/std_exit.o' 'meander.o' \
       '/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml/stdlib.a' 'meander_c.o' \
       '/Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam/lib/ocaml/libasmrun.a' -lpthread

Try it out, you’ll need to change /Users/tsmc/code/ocaml/owee/_opam to your local directory with a local opam switch for OCaml 5.2.

Startup file

What about that startup file? meander.exe.startup.s What is that for? Open the file and search for _caml_program, this is the entry point called by the startup code written in C.

	ldr	x16, [x28, #40]
	add	x16, x16, #328
	cmp	sp, x16
	bcc	L136
	sub	sp, sp, #16
	.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	16
	.cfi_offset 30, -8
	str	x30, [sp, #8]
	bl	_camlCamlinternalFormatBasics$entry
	adrp	x0, _caml_globals_inited@GOTPAGE
	ldr	x0, [x0, _caml_globals_inited@GOTPAGEOFF]
	ldr	x2, [x0, #0]
	add	x3, x2, #1
	dmb	ishld
	str	x3, [x0, #0]
	bl	_camlStdlib$entry

The code is responsible for calling the entry initialisation function for all imported modules. In we only include a couple of functions from the standard library so we have _camlStdlib$entry, _camlStdlib__Sys$entry etc then we finally call _camlMeander$entry which we saw earlier.

We need this assembly file to generate an object file for linking into the final executable. If not the linker won’t have _caml_program symbol available and none of the OCaml Stdlib will be initialised. A fun exercise is to re-write this file to not call all those entry functions but still provide _caml_program and call into _camlMeander$entry.

I made small PR #13217 to improve this behaviour to loop over a table of functions to call rather than generating large slabs of identical code.


Now you we don’t need the OCaml compiler to write OCaml.

But seriously the purpose for discovering this was to investigate adding DWARF debugging information to OCaml on macOS. That’s a different topic for next time.

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